Kham Sar Ngor

July 18, 2024

TNLA announced on July 17 that 6 people were killed on the spot, one was injured and 4 houses were destroyed by burning due to the military council firing the artillery.

Although there is a ceasefire in Kyauk Mae, Lashio, Northern Shan State and Mogok, Mandalay, due to the military council attacked by air and artillery, there are people who died and injured and house damage.

On July 17th, the military council fired the artillery on Khomone wood mill yard in Kyauk Mae city, killing one 40-year-old woman and two men on the spot. In Ward (8), the artillery fell in a car repair shop and due to an explosion, three cars were destroyed.

In addition, three family members were killed by the artillery explosion in ward 1 of Lashio city, and a man was injured when the artillery fell on his home in Nyaung Lay Pin, east of Mogok, 3 houses were destroyed by burning in Chan Myae Thar Yar ward and Yay Pu ward due to the artillery fell and exploded.

The Palaung Liberation Front (TNLA) had a 4-day ceasefire, but due to the military council’s continuous airstrikes and the artillery attacks, 9 civilians were killed and 9 were injured during the 3-day ceasefire, said the TNLA.

1027 Operation Part (2), during the 23 days of the battle, 76 civilians were killed and 112 were injured as a result of the military council’s air and the artillery fire targeting civilians.


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